
Affiliate Program

I provide you with a page where you can advertise your affiliate program and provide details on how to get started.

It includes a nice slider showing potential affiliates how much they can earn and how the program works.

Just set your affiliate commission percentage in the @/config/pricing.ts file.

// Manually set these variables export const affiliateProgramLink = "https://supasaasio.lemonsqueezy.com/affiliates"; export const affiliatePercent = 40; // This function automatically calculates the highest priced plan you have export const affiliateHighestPlan = lifetimePricing.reduce((prev, curr) => { return prev.price > curr.price ? prev : curr; }).price;

You will need to edit the terms and conditions for your specific affiliate program in the @/components/Affiliates/AffiliateHowItWorks.tsx file.

The affiliate program page can be found at https://yourdomain.com/affiliates.
