I currently support the following analytics providers:
- Pirsch
- Plausible
Every integration supports the basic analytics features such as page views, unique visitors and referrers.
Custom events are also fully supported, allowing you to track user actions from within your app (for example signups, logins, and purchases).
Environment variables
In order to get started tracking with Pirsch we need to get the tracking ID.
Sign up for an account if you don't have one and go through their onboarding process.
Once complete, simply head to your dashboard settings page and click on the Integration
Copy the Identification Code
and add it to your environment variables.
.env NEXT_PUBLIC_PIRSCH_ID="your tracking id"
Enable site-wide tracking
To enable analytics within your app, go to @/app/providers.tsx
and add the following code:
@/app/providers.tsx import { useMounted } from "@/hooks/useMounted"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import { pirschClient } from "@/lib/analytics/pirsch"; const mounted = useMounted(); useEffect(() => { if (mounted) { pirschClient.hit(); // Track a page view on initial load } }, [mounted]);
useMounted Hook
We use the useMounted hook to ensure that the page view is only tracked once the component of a new page has mounted.
Enable custom events
You can track any custom goal or event you like by importing the pirschClient
and calling the customEvent
More details on how Pirsch event tracking works can be found here in their documentation.
Here's an example of how you can track when someone clicks on a button to start a checkout process:
import { pirschClient } from "@/lib/analytics/pirsch"; pirschClient.customEvent( "Checkout Started", 5, { url: planCheckoutUrl }, // use dynamic variables { revenue: planPrice, currency: "USD", plan: planTitle } // use dynamic variables );
You could wrap this into a function and use it whenever your logic requires.
const handleCheckout = () => { // Your checkout logic here pirschClient.customEvent( "Checkout Started", 5, { url: planCheckoutUrl }, // use dynamic variables { revenue: 99, currency: "USD", plan: 'Starter' } // use dynamic variables ); }
Finally, you can render a button that calls this function when clicked.
<Button onClick={handleCheckout}>Buy Now</Button>
Environment variables
To get started with Plausible, sign up for an account and create a new site.
Once you've created a site, enter the domain into your environment variables.
Enable site-wide tracking
To enable site-wide analytics, we need to import the PlausibleProvider
and wrap it around our app.
Go to @/app/providers.tsx
and add the following code, making sure that {children}
is wrapped inside the provider component:
@/app/providers.tsx import PlausibleProvider from "next-plausible"; <PlausibleProvider trackOutboundLinks revenue domain={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN || ""}> {children} </PlausibleProvider>
Enable custom events
Plausible supports custom events out of the box. You can track any custom goal or event you like by importing and calling the usePlausible
example.tsx import { usePlausible } from "next-plausible"; const plausible = usePlausible(); plausible("Checkout Started", { revenue: { amount: planPrice, currency: "USD", }, props: { planTitle, planPrice, }, });
You can wrap this into a function and use it whenever your logic requires, for example when clicking a button to start a checkout session.
example.tsx const handleCheckout = () => { // Your checkout logic here plausible("Checkout Started", { revenue: { amount: 99, currency: "USD", }, props: { planTitle: "Starter", planPrice: 99, }, }); }
Finally, you can render a button that calls this function when clicked.
<Button onClick={handleCheckout}>Buy Now</Button>